Ignis Stupeo Scientia


Ignis was raised alongside Prince Noctis to be adviser to the heir apparent. An intensive education instilled in him the resourcefulness and composure required for the role, his tactical acumen proving invaluable over the course of the prince's journey.


The reason why I love Ignis Scientia is because this man is one of the most compassionate, caring, loving characters I've ever seen in my entire life. He cares so much about his friends, about Noctis. He's a wonderful companion who's full of advice and he's basically a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. He knows how to say the right things and he is so polite and well-behaved, he's educated and he is never rude to those who help him and are there for him.
He's been through so much shit but he's grateful by the people who are by his side, he appreciates and cherishes every moment he shares with the chocobros and they all know so damn well that Ignis would do anything for them. That's just how he is. He's passionate, sweet, kind and a true gentleman. He's perfect in every sense to me.

He's so beautiful as well, he looks so gorgeous when his hair is down and his eyes are so intense and strong, he has the cutest, most charming smirk and his voice puts me at ease. He's the strongest man ever, and I don't mean that in a muscular sense. He's been through a lot and his path is full of shit but he always makes it to the end, he always tries his hardest and that makes him so brave, braver than any other man. He's determined.

He's my favorite character out of the whole entire game besides Noctis and Cindy, but they can't just compare to the greatness that Ignis can offer. He was developed so well, he was created so perfectly and he was executed properly in-game, making him a great, detailed, complex character. I really hope Square Enix is proud of the magnificent artwork that Ignis is, bevause they should be. No matter how much they try to cover his spotlight by putting the rest of the characters over him, he'll always shine through. He's unique, one of a kind. His episode brought me to tears, making me appreciate and love him even more... if that was even possible to begin with. I love Ignis Stupeo Scientia more than anyone and anything on this planet, and I'll make sure to scream it to the world and let everyone know.

I love you, Iggy.


I started getting hyperfixated in FFXV in October-November, 2018. I started loving Noctis more than the rest of the characters, specially because of Promptis.
Ignis used to be my least favorite chocobro. I preferred Gladiolus over him. Crazy, right? Until I was deeper into FFXV hell and I got into the special episodes. Of course, Episode Prompto brought a lot of tears but Episode Ignis changed something in my heart. It's almost like it flipped a switch inside of me or something.
I began to absolutely adore Ignis, and began to love him more than anybody else, but not as much as Noct.
Everything about him is absolutely enchanting to me, I cursed myself for not loving him sooner. He's so majestic, he's breathtakingly gorgeous. He makes my heart skip beats and I swear to the gods that I'm absolutely in love with this man.
Now that I'm here, I believe it's safe to say that I love Iggy just as much as Noct... or maybe even more. Of course I will never stop loving my baby, but Ignis has definitely changed my life and I'm grateful in every way that he's here now.




wip but I love iggy so much andsjndnshdjdnndnndnd